Fuel-cell powered automobiles today's hybrid cars, which use various combinations of small internal combustion engines and batteries, are simply an intermediate step to an advanced automobile powered by fuel cells. 燃料电池汽车今天使用小型内燃机加电池的复合型小汽车是今后以燃料电池作动力的高级汽车的过渡阶段。
While fuel-cell vehicles are appealing because they emit no pollutants, it's been a challenge to find clean and affordable ways to produce, transport, and store hydrogen to fuel them. 燃料电池汽车的零污染物排放使得它非常具有吸引力,但是要使用氢作燃料,就必须寻找一种清洁、可承受成本的方式来生产、运输及储存氢气,而这是个很大的挑战。